Pig’s gestation crate and Free range

Pig’s gestation crateFree range
Almost all the mammals are reported to be intelligent and friendly. They love being with the others. Especially, animals raised for food were sociable by nature and easy to be tamed. Such innocence has lead them to be obedient to us. Pigs need to live with their friends and families just as they want food and water. However, each sow is confined in the individual crate spending almost all her life in the gestation crate by herself.
Pigs in the wide open nature will build up a stable family group : a mother pig as a leader with the piglets and other fellow members. They are always together: sleeping face to face , dreaming like we do and enjoy colorful world of their own.photo:Compassion in World Farming
Pig’s gestation crateFree range

Pigs kept in the gestation crates are not allowed to do anything they want and feel unbearable stresses and just keep gnawing the bars in front , moving mouths for nothing, drinking water endlessly: these abnormal behaviors are commonly seen.
In the wild, pigs are quite active in searching for things around. They spend 75% of their daytime looking for things to eat, grazing grass, digging holes or walking around to see things here and there. photo:Compassion in World Farming
photo:Compassion in World Farming
Pig’s gestation crateFree range

Pigs love to live in clean environment. They never excrete in their sleeping places. but the pigs in the crate cannot escape sleeping and excreting at the same position.

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“Playing in the mud” is another dream that will never come true for them.Pigs hate heat.They cannot perspire, for their sweat glands don’t work as well as ours.So they have to do something to cool their bodies. That’s why they prefer being in the mud to bathing. Water evaporates soon after bathing while mud on their skin keep cooling them longer. Mud will also protect them from flies and other parasites.Playing in the mud is necessary to fulfill their basic wants.
photo:Compassion in World Farming

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